sambal card

Sambal Card Download: Simple 5-Step Guide Using Your Samagra ID

Sambal Card Registration 2024: How to Apply, Check Status, and Download Online

The Sambal Card is a vital initiative under the Mukhyamantri Jan Kalyan Sambal Yojana (Sambal 2.0) launched by the Madhya Pradesh government. This scheme is tailored to provide financial aid and social security to workers in the unorganized sector, ensuring their well-being. If you’re looking to apply for a Sambal Card, check its status, or download it, this comprehensive guide will help you through the process.

What is the Sambal Card?

The Sambal Card is an official document issued to unorganized workers under the Mukhyamantri Jan Kalyan Sambal Yojana, aimed at providing benefits such as healthcare, financial aid, insurance, and educational assistance. This card is a lifeline for economically weaker families, ensuring better social security.

Key Benefits of the Sambal Card

  1. Health Insurance: Free healthcare facilities for workers and their families.
  2. Accidental Death Assistance: Up to ₹4 lakh.
  3. Natural Death Assistance: ₹2 lakh.
  4. Disability Assistance:
    • ₹2 lakh for permanent disability.
    • ₹1 lakh for partial disability.
  5. Maternity Support: ₹16,000 for pregnant workers.
  6. Funeral Assistance: ₹5,000 for funeral expenses.
  7. Electricity Bill Subsidy: Concessions on electricity bills.
  8. Educational Scholarships: Support for children’s education.
  9. Agricultural Assistance: Financial help for buying agricultural equipment.

Overview of sambal card

Scheme NameSambal 2.0
UnderMukhyamantri Jan Kalyan Yojana
BeneficiaryUnorganized Workers
ObjectiveSocial Security for Workers
Initiated ByMadhya Pradesh Government
DepartmentUrban & Rural Workers Welfare Board
Assistance Amount₹5,000 to ₹4,00,000
Payment ModeDirect Benefit Transfer (DBT)

Key Benefits of the Sambal Card

  1. Health Insurance: Free healthcare facilities for registered workers and their families.
  2. Accidental Death Assistance: Financial aid of ₹4 lakh in case of accidental death.
  3. Natural Death Assistance: ₹2 lakh for families in the event of natural death.
  4. Disability Assistance:
    • ₹2 lakh for permanent disability.
    • ₹1 lakh for partial disability.
  5. Maternity Assistance: ₹16,000 for women during maternity.
  6. Funeral Assistance: ₹5,000 for funeral expenses.
  7. Electricity Bill Subsidy: Concession on electricity bills up to a fixed limit.
  8. Education Scholarships: Support for children of registered workers.
  9. Agriculture Aid: Assistance for purchasing agricultural equipment.

To access these benefits, having a valid Sambal Card is essential.

Benefit Type

Assistance Amount

Health Care

Free facilities

Electricity Bill Subsidy

Concessions up to a limit

Agriculture Assistance

Support for equipment

Funeral Assistance


Insurance Assistance

₹2-4 lakh

Permanent Disability Aid

₹2 lakh

Partial Disability Aid

₹1 lakh

Maternity Assistance


Printing sambal card with Samagra Id (THE PROCESS)

  • Visit the Sambal Portal:
    First, go to
  • Access the Homepage:
    Once the portal opens, you will see the homepage.
  • Click on “Beneficiary Details”:
    On the homepage, select the option “Beneficiary Details” to proceed.
sambal portal
  • A Box Will Appear:
    After clicking, a box will open where you need to enter your Samagra Member ID or Sambal ID (provided to you during the registration process).
  • View and Submit Details:
    Enter your ID, review the displayed details, and click the Submit button to proceed.
sambal card
  • View Your Details:
    After submission, you will see details like your name, address, mobile number, occupation, status, and whether you are eligible or not.
  • Select “Print Sambal Card”:
    Once the details are displayed, click on the “Print Sambal Card” option to download or print your Sambal Card.
sambal card

Your Sambal Card will now appear on the screen. You can take a screenshot to save it digitally or visit an MP ONLINE center or nearby CSC center to get it printed.

How to Check the Status of Your Sambal Card Application?

Checking your Sambal Card application status is easy:

  1. Log in to the Sambal Portal:
    Open and log in using your credentials.
  2. Select “Application Status”:
    On the dashboard, click on “आवेदन की स्थिति” (Application Status).
  3. Enter Application Details:
    Enter your Application Number or Samagra ID to search for your status.
  4. View the Status:
    Click “प्रदर्शित करें” (Display) to see your application’s current status.

How to Download Your Sambal Card Using Samagra ID?

If your application is approved, you can download your Sambal Card by following these steps:

  1. Visit the Sambal Portal:
    Go to and log in with your registered Samagra ID.
  2. Access Beneficiary Details:
    On the homepage, select “हितग्राही विवरण” (Beneficiary Details).
  3. Enter Samagra Member ID:
    Provide your 9-digit Samagra Member ID to retrieve your card details.
  4. Download the Card:
    Click “संबल कार्ड प्रिंट करें” (Print Sambal Card) to download it in PDF format.

Print the Card:
Save the file and print your Sambal Card for official use.


  1. What is the Sambal Card?
    The Sambal Card is issued under the Mukhyamantri Jan Kalyan Sambal Yojana, providing financial aid and social security benefits to unorganized workers in Madhya Pradesh.

  2. Who is eligible for the Sambal Card?
    Any unorganized worker who is a resident of Madhya Pradesh, aged 18–60 years, and belongs to an economically weaker section is eligible.

  3. How can I check the status of my Sambal Card application?
    Visit, click on “Application Status,” and enter your Application Number or Samagra ID to check the status.

  4. What benefits does the Sambal Card provide?
    It offers health insurance, funeral assistance, maternity support, scholarships, electricity subsidies, and financial aid for agriculture.

  5. How to download the Sambal Card?
    Log in to the portal using your Samagra ID, access “Beneficiary Details,” and download the card.

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